Age of the Gods: Japanese Creation Stories and the Descendants of Deities

Ancient Origins IRAQ Tour

Susanoo slaying the Yamata no Orochi, 1870s.

Age of the Gods: Japanese Creation Stories and the Descendants of Deities

Nihon or Nippon is a Chinese pronunciation for the country that was originally called Yamato. As the islands lie to the east of the Asiatic continent, the Chinese called the land sun-origin. This name was further changed by Marco Polo who gave it as Zipangu which eventually became Japan.

The Oldest Chronicle

Over 1300 years old, the Kojiki is Japan's oldest existing chronicle. Compiled by Yasumaro, a Japanese nobleman and renowned chronicler, at the command of the Empress Genmei in 712, the Kojiki is a collection of the myths and stories that tell the ancient Japanese story of the creation of the universe, in particular the islands of Japan.

The Age of Gods, chapters from The Chronicles of Japan, 1286

The Age of Gods, chapters from The Chronicles of Japan, 1286 (Public Domain)

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