The Possible Origins of the Early Persian Kings: Inscriptions Reveal a Pattern - Part II

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The tomb of Cyrus the Great

The Possible Origins of the Early Persian Kings: Inscriptions Reveal a Pattern - Part II

[Read Part 1 here]

Cyrus I of Anshan

Cyrus I was the second king of Anshan and son of Teispes. The name Cyrus in Old Persian is Kurush; in Elamite, Kurash; in Akkadian, Kuraha (u); and in Hebrew, Koresh. Cyrus I is said to have reigned from 640-600 BCE. The name of Cyrus will be of interest. The name Cyrus seems to be connected to the name Kuru. The name Kuru was also the name of a tribe that are said to be of Saka stock and were connected to Kambojas tribe, which were Saka as well.

Drawing of seal of Cyrus I from Anshan.

Drawing of seal of Cyrus I from Anshan. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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