Brief Response with Ted Loukes

Ancient Origins IRAQ Tour

Brief Response with Ted Loukes

Brief Response with Ted Loukes

Our Ancient Origins Egypt tour leader Ted Loukes tells us what is so significant about the latest Book of the Dead discovery.

The exciting discovery of a 16-meter-long (52.5 ft) ancient papyrus found in a sarcophagus in Egypt's Saqqara region has now been unveiled. A papyrus of this size and quality had not been discovered in over a century. The restored artifact that dates back to 50 BC and contains passages and images of the Egyptian Book of the Dead has now been put on display at the Egyptian Museum on Tahrir Square, Cairo for all to see. 

Ted Loukes is an independent researcher in the field of ancient civilizations. His book Moses and Akhenaten: Brothers in Alms grew from a single page blog post to a two and a half year project that incorporated several field trips to Egypt herself. Ted is our Ancient Origins tour leader to Egypt.

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