The discovery of ancient super-phenomenal architecture dotted all over the globe is opening up a plethora of thought-provoking, existential questions.
Göbekli Tepe in Turkey was built before the onset of the agricultural revolution. It is undoubtedly the work of a very sophisticated, orderly, organized civilization.
Australia could only have been settled by people who had extensive maritime knowledge. How did boating technology appear seemingly out of thin air?
The Amazon rain forest was supposedly a virgin wilderness when modern Europeans first arrived to explore it. But satellite images of the dense tropical growth reveal the architectural legacy of a thriving civilization that once built pyramids, shaping and transporting blocks so large one would be hard-pressed to construct such edifices even with today's technology.
In the American Southwest, a mysterious people called Anasazi felt the need to clear perfectly straight and intricately banked roads through the pristine desert. Having no beasts of burden, why did they go to the trouble of constructing arrow-straight roads when simple paths would have worked just as well?
During the past 12,000 years, human civilization has taken giant leaps. Who were these predecessors who left us tantalizing clues to their identity? Guided by a world map of our mysterious ancestors’ genial greatness, renowned author and ordained minister Jim Willis tackles the complicated questions that taunt those of us who want to move beyond traditional historical and religious teachings about our origins.
- Who are we?
- What gives our life meaning?
- Where did we come from?
- When did we begin our journey?