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Milan flower likes acidic soil, and the potting should choose the culture soil dominated by rotten leaf soil. In the vigorous growth period, spray 0.2% ferrous sulfate once a week to make the leaves green and flowers multiply. During the flowering period from June to October, if fertilization is insufficient, not only the number of flowers will be reduced and the flowers will not smell, but also the existing flower buds will wither and cannot open. If you water too much or too little, it will cause the problem of leaf falling off. Because too much water will rot the roots and the leaves are short of water, so the leaves are easy to dry and fall off.

The temperature of the shed shall be kept at 8 ℃ - 12 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the leaves will wither and fall off until they die. Therefore, it is not suitable to plant nocturnal flowers in the room of patients with hypertension and heart disease. In order to control cockroaches, spray water frequently. When changing the 2 gallon plant pots, this is because there is too much water. The pests that smell at night mainly include mites and shells, and the disease has Fusarium wilt. Change the pot once or twice a year. The tree bonsai shall be changed once every 2 ~ 4 years. Add a small amount of base fertilizer at the bottom of the basin when changing the basin.

The leaves are uneven, the new leaves are plump, and the old leaves turn yellow, which is mostly caused by fat. These branches are nutritious. Before cutting, friends can cut the branches into small pieces of about 10cm, and apply some rooting powder on the wound at the bottom of each part, which can achieve good rooting effect.When Milan begins to sprout in spring, it will start to buckle water. This is the key link of "controlling branches and promoting flowers", so it is the peak period of Milan germination. If watering is not controlled, it is bound to cause excessive growth of branches and leaves.

Milan flower, an evergreen shrub or small tree of Meliaceae, is a small leaf variety of large leaf Milan. Summer is the peak season for the growth of Milan flowers, and the water demand also increases. Generally, it is watered once a day.Milan flower is a common woody plant. It grows rapidly. If it is not controlled, it will clump out of the ground unconsciously. It will not only have disordered plant types, but also affect flowering! The pruning time is generally carried out within one week before and after each flowering.

At the same time, the terminal buds and flower buds are properly removed during the pregnancy and bud stage. Pruning is generally not required in high temperature in summer. Milan flowers should be trimmed and shaped from the seedlings. A trunk 15 cm to 20 cm high should be retained, and the branches above the trunk 15 cm high should be trimmed to make the plant plump. At that time, in a 20 gallon pots, the sprouts grew one head higher every day. Every day, I looked forward to the day when they grew tall quickly, full of expectation and happiness. It also became a great fun when I was a child.

The content of vitamin A in radish bud is 10 times that of Chinese cabbage; The vitamin C content in bean sprouts, Chinese toon sprouts and radish sprouts is also much higher than that of tomatoes and cucumbers we usually eat. In the process of vegetable placement, with the extension of vegetable placement time, water will lose, resulting in the loss of water-soluble vitamins, especially the content of water-soluble vitamin C will be greatly reduced. If you find the paper a little dry, spray it wet immediately. That is, after the root system grows, as the root system becomes more and more developed, more and more water will be needed, and the water spraying needs to cover the root system as the standard.

The suitable rooting temperature is 20 ° C to 24 ° C. generally, the soil temperature is 3 ° C to 5 ° C higher than the temperature, which is conducive to rooting. The relative humidity of the inserted bed is 80% to 90%, which is conducive to rooting and requires about 30% light. Beige flowers are very beautiful. They look small and fresh. The night fragrance has a very obvious feature, that is, their flowers can emit a faint fragrance at night, and the taste is better. t shall be moved into the shed in the middle and late October of each year.

After the buds and leaves grow, if the temperature is high, they can avoid the hot sun. If the leaves grow light and thin, you can stuff an appropriate amount of bean cake or sesame paste residue into the mud between June and July. Lotus seeds can blossom in the same year. Then add new culture soil to the 3 gallon nursery pots. Because turtle backed bamboo likes fertile soil, put some long-term base fertilizer into the basin bottom. Then put in the plant. Under normal circumstances, the leaves of Phyllostachys pubescens are large, so the water will naturally transpiration badly. Phyllostachys pubescens is a kind of green plant that is tolerant to shade and likes humidity, and the demand for water is relatively large.

Guanyin Lotus can be changed once a year or two, and the frequency should not be too frequent. Guanyin lotus stops more than in spring. The basin soil is required to be well drained and rich in organic rotten leaf soil or sandy loam. The experiment shows that the application of potassium fertilizer in the later stage can not only increase the yield by 3% ~ 6%, but also increase the rate of genuine products by 2% ~ 3% compared with the control. In the future, the seedlings with poor seedling potential shall be supplemented with 4 ~ 5kg imported compound fertilizer per mu.


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