Brief Response with Dr. Ken Jeremiah

Ancient Origins IRAQ Tour

Brief Response with Dr. Ken Jeremiah

Brief Response with Dr. Ken Jeremiah

Did Ancient Nuclear Exist?

Julius Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) was a theoretical physicist and the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory during the Manhattan Project, in which the first modern atomic bombs were developed and tested.  He is called the ‘father of the atomic bomb’, When he first created the atomic bomb and witnessed its explosion, he quoted the ancient Bhagavad Gita, exclaiming, “I have become the Destroyer of Worlds.”  Years later, during a classroom lecture, one of his students asked if the atomic test at Alamogordo was the first nuclear blast in history.  Oppenheimer responded, “Yes, in modern times,” indicating he perhaps believed that nuclear reactions, both natural and artificial, might have occurred in antiquity.  Is this possible?

DR. KEN JEREMIAH is a television presenter and has written several books about religions, mummification, and spirituality, including Remnants of a Distant Past. He may be contacted at [email protected].

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