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The New History of the Appalachian Mountains: Introducing the Lost Tribe of Clover Hollow
Monday August 5, 2019 6:45am EST
by David Miller

Ancient cultural influences detected at Clover Hollow in the Appalachian Mountains include strange and mystical stone alignments. Facing each other across Sinking Creek are two rock outcroppings that stand there like the piers of a gate. Carvings found on rock formations at the site seem to be very anthropomorphic in style and design, and ‘petroglyphs of the broad type,’ as an archaeologist has suggested. Could this be evidence for an ancient civilization of unknown origins deep in the Appalachian Mountains? These mountains are ten times older than for example the Andes, where numerous ancient cultures like Ollantaytambo, Saksayhuaman, and Machu Picchu, overlook a much newer Urubamba River Valley. Could it be true that one of the oldest civilizations on Earth once thrived in the Appalachian region of North America?

In his premier Talk to an Expert Chat, Ancient Origins guest author David Miller discusses the initial discovery of the Native American trail and the petroglyphs that surround it. Miller documented the initial discovery on film, and warns about a proposed pipeline and the potential disaster it would create for the site.

David Miller is author of the book The Sibold Effect: Beyond Science, History, Ghosts, and the Appalachian Supernaturaland you can find out more about the Clover Hollow discoveries in his Ancient Origins articles: The Lost Tribe of Clover Hollow – Oldest Civilization in the World Found in Appalachian Mountains?”and Stone Panels of Clover Hollow --Wondrous Freaks of Nature or Cryptic Messages from the Ancient Past?”


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Akhenaten, the Heretic Pharaoh: A Different View
Tuesday January 10, 2017 6:00pm EST
by Ted Loukes
Akhenaten, the Heretic Pharaoh: A Different View

Akhenaten, the Heretic Pharaoh, took on the might of the priesthood of Amun-Ra; and, enforced by the military, temples were shut down, and the names of the gods were hacked out from statues and inscriptions the length and breadth of Egypt. All the gods were banned and everyone had to worship the Aten. Akhenaten and his family, more concerned about their new religion, left the empire unprotected and weakened – an ineffectual king more interested in poetry and nature rather than ruling. Statues and inscriptions depict Akhenaten and his family with long thin necks, sloping foreheads and elongated skulls, and this has led to claims that the king suffered from various disorders—or even that he was female. An ugly misshapen man struggling with his own mental and physical abnormalities. This is the story that most history books will tell you, but is it true?

Ted Loukes, independent researcher in the field of ancient civilizations, will pull back the curtain on the history of the ‘Heretic Pharoh’ in his fascinating premier Talk with an Expert chat with Ancient Origins Premium.

Ted has been on a voyage of discovery for over forty years, questioning man's origins by digging through ancient texts, inscriptions, myths and legends. He is author of the book Moses and Akhenaten: Brothers in Almsand you can learn more at his website:


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Werewolf or Warrior? Where do our Folklore Tales come from?
Wednesday July 20, 2016 7:30pm EST
by Charles Christian
Werewolf or Warrior? Where do our Folklore Tales come from?

Even the most incredible legends have a germ of truth at their root. From Gilgamesh and the Biblical Flood, to Dragons and Dinosaurs, to Vampires and Vlad the Impaler, and, more recently, Faeries and Flores Man. There is a constant stream of examples of what were once thought to be fanciful tales that are now seen to be based on scientific facts. 

This Talk to an Expert chat will be led by regular Ancient Origins contributor and Medieval History and Folklore expert Charles Christian, who was recently commissioned by an English newspaper to investigate a reported werewolf sighting, and will focus specifically on European Werewolf legends and whether they can be traced back to Viking Berserkers. Be prepared for bloody tales and sagas of crazed killers!


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Engineering Marvels of the Ancient Maya
Thursday April 21, 2016 7:30pm EST
by Leonide Martin
Engineering Marvels of the Ancient Maya

Ancient Mayas used lost principles of technology to construct grand cities towering above rainforest canopies, build water systems with underground reservoirs and aqueducts channeling water into structures, create elevated paved roads crossing miles of jungle, and engineer the longest suspension bridge in the ancient world. They knew structural mechanics for multistory buildings that were not exceeded in height until 1885, when the first skyscraper was build in Chicago. They invented a blast furnace to create concrete 2,000 years before it was patented in England. They had high-precision tools that were harder than iron in a land lacking metallic ore. Without large animals as beasts of burden to pull wheeled carts, they had efficient man-powered transport systems. Their complex hieroglyphs were one of the five original writing systems in the world.

Join Maya expert Leonide Martin, author of The Mayan Red Queen: Tz'aabk'u Ahau of Palenque, for an online chat to further explore how the Maya accomplished these feats during the time period from 200-900 CE, while Europe was in the Dark Ages.


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