Brief Response with Dr Marco Vigato

Ancient Origins IRAQ Tour

Brief Response with Dr Marco Vigato

Brief Response with Dr Marco Vigato

Did the ancient Zapotecs of Mexico hide a subterranean temple structure in Mitla, Mexico?

The results of geophysical scanning has just revealed a system of caves and passageways underneath the Mitla archaeological site, considered by the ancient Zapotecs to be an entrance to the Underworld, or Lyobaa. Additionally, the study has revealed evidence of an earlier construction stage of the Palace of the Columns, Mitla’s most important and best preserved ancient monument, as well as several other geophysical anomalies that may be interpreted as tombs or buried archaeological structures.

Dr Marco M. Vigato is an independent researcher into ancient mysteries and megalithic civilizations. He holds an MBA from Harvard University and a B.A. and M.Sc. from Bocconi University. Funding for this project was provided by the Association for Archaeological Research and Exploration, ARX Project A.C., with the contribution of over 60 independent donors that participated in our crowdfunding campaign. Visit

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