Brief Response with Mogg Morgan

Ancient Origins IRAQ Tour

Brief Response with Mogg Morgan

Brief Response with Mogg Morgan

Ghostbusters: Could Egyptian priests conjure up deceased royalty through magic?

The existence of Egypt’s New Kingdom dream manuals indicate private individuals in need of advice or healing had a sleep-over at the local temple, taking advantage of specialized priests who could both incubate and interpret their dreams. This had been an important part of Egyptian religion and magic. It was for example a key part of the funeral rites, especially of the elite, where the priests were adapt at using secret, magical techniques to raise the required dream, featuring the ghosts.

Mogg Morgan is a practitioner-cum-scholar of all aspects of occultism. He was a Wellcome research student at Oxford. He has been exploring the connections between the popular magick of ancient Egypt and its continuation/crossover with the living magical traditions of the middle East, and the Kaula/witchcraft of south Asia and beyond.

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