The Enigma of 16th Century Maps Showing Ice free Greenland and Antarctica

Ancient Origins IRAQ Tour

The Enigma of 16th Century Maps Showing Ice free Greenland and Antarctica

Brief Response with Les Trager

The Enigma of 16th Century Maps Showing Ice free Greenland and Antarctica

There is a large body of maps of the Americas which cannot be explained by known explorations. Mercator’s 1569 World Map shows all of Greenland without ice at its coasts. Finaeus’ 1531 World Map shows Antarctica without coastal ice, all Greenland without coastal ice and an ancient shoreline of Hudson Bay. No 16th-century explorer could have reached Antarctica and Northern Greenland during this time period, much less have seen them ice free at their coasts.

Les Trager is a retired lawyer with an interest in 13th to 17th European Maps which cannot be explained by European scientific knowledge for that time period or by known European explorations. He is a member of the New York Map Society, Washington Map Society and the Explorers Club. He is the author of Ancient Explorers and Their Amazing Maps

Ancient Explorers and Their Amazing Maps

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