Lost ‘Icon’ of an Advanced Universal Religion in the Prehistoric Past

Ancient Origins Store

Thursday August 17, 2017 6:00pm EST
Richard Cassaro
Lost ‘Icon’ of an Advanced Universal Religion in the Prehistoric Past

Significant evidence now exists that ancient cultures worldwide were all connected by a powerful religious symbol—which researcher Richard Cassaro has named the ‘GodSelf Icon’—that is especially conspicuous among the pyramid cultures. 

Bringing spectacular images and evidence to the fore, Richard Cassaro joins Ancient Origins Premium for an exciting and eye-opening webinar, showing parallel ancient images of the GodSelf Icon. As the crucifix symbol unites millions of Christians under one universal religion—Richard reveals that the GodSelf Icon symbol did the same for ancient ancestors worldwide!

Delving into hidden history, Richard presents recent examples of Masonic and alchemical images of the GodSelf Icon in architectural and medieval settings.

Richard Cassaro is an author, researcher, and filmmaker from New York City. He came to international recognition in 2011 with his bestselling book, Written in Stone. His travel and life experiences have provided him with rare insight into megaliths, mythology, magic, symbolism, comparative religion and occult archaeology. A lifelong explorer and field investigator, he has recently opened his own tour company, Triptych Temple Tours, LLC, aimed at leading travel adventures to Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Italy, Spain, India, China, and other ancient sites described in his research. 

Richard’s book, The Missing Link  explores the meaning, transformations and propagation of the ancient world's most important religious icon. | See more at: RichardCassaro.com

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