Ancient Demonic Shadows Of Today's Alien Body Snatchers

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The Nightmare, by Henry Fuseli (1781) (Public Domain)

Ancient Demonic Shadows Of Today's Alien Body Snatchers

The demons that tormented the people of history were considered to be angels cast out of heaven for defying God, and similarly, today’s aliens are believed to come from distant, incomprehensible, realms in the universe. This raises the question: Are historical accounts of the demons who snatched souls, witches who stole children, vampires who sucked blood and succubi that drained men’s sperm, the same phenomena as the reported aliens abducting people today? Do all of the sky-oriented phenomena share a common origin?

A 16th century wooden corbel supporting a jettied floor of a former coaching inn in Cambridge. The bracket is in the form of a succubus, showing that the inn was also a brothel. (Andrew Dunn/CC BY-SA 2.0)

A 16th century wooden corbel supporting a jettied floor of a former coaching inn in Cambridge. The bracket is in the form of a succubus, showing that the inn was also a brothel. (Andrew Dunn/CC BY-SA 2.0)

While all of these ghoulish concepts can be associated with violations of the mind, body or soul, they can also all be categorized as ‘abductions’, but even though they have all had a deep impact on story, folklore and mythology, scientists see not a shred of evidence that demons, spirits, witches or aliens have ever existed, much less considering if they did, or did not, strip people of their bodily fluids. What then did the millions of ‘abductees’ throughout history, who have gone to their graves determined that they were ‘taken in the night’, actually experience?

The Changeling by Henry Fuseli (1781) (Public Domain)

The Changeling by Henry Fuseli (1781) (Public Domain)

Barney And Betty Hill Abduction

Finding the origins of the first demonic abduction, possession or interaction on record is complicated in comparison to determining the first modern reported alien abductions. One of the earliest alien abduction reports was made in 1961 by American couple Barney and Betty Hill, who while driving one night on a mountain road in New Hampshire, reported witnessing a bright light which they said turned out to be a disk-shaped object. Under hypnosis the Hills said they were stopped at a roadblock manned by “short beings with large heads and eyes, small ears and mouths, and hairless ashen-colored skin.” According to Professor Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden in their book Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, the Hills claim that they had been taken aboard an alien ship where they experienced unconventional medical examinations. Since this report the past six decades have seen thousands of similar reports from all over the world.

Betty and Barney Hill with their dog, Delsey, who claimed they were abducted by extraterrestrials in the State of New Hampshire. (Public Domain)

Betty and Barney Hill with their dog, Delsey, who claimed they were abducted by extraterrestrials in the State of New Hampshire. (Public Domain)

Modern Succubi In Brazil

While the so-called ‘Hill abduction’ is often cited as the first alien abduction case on record, this is not the case. In Anthony I Enns’ 1999 paper Alien Abductions: A Return to the Medieval an earlier abduction is described that was reported in Brazil in 1957. Farmer Antonio Villas Boas said a disk-shaped UFO landed in his field and forced him to have intercourse with an alien females. The author wrote that it was extremely rare for abductees to report being “forced to have intercourse with alien women as most abduction reports do not draw such an explicit connection between alien abduction and sexuality.” This statement is far from accurate as the correlation between abduction and sex is highly-prevalent in ancient Celtic mythology, for example in the succubus, the female demon who seduced, or abducted, men for their sperm. Just like what Barney Hill reported the aliens did to him. What then is one to make of this realization that for perhaps hundreds, if not thousands of years, both women and men have reported being abducted, often for samples of their reproductive genes? A phenomenon that is on the rise.

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