The Bible Code: Hidden Messages From Another Realm

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Moses Receiving the Tablets of the Law, by Raphael, in the Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican (1518) (Public Domain)

The Bible Code: Hidden Messages From Another Realm

Human beings seem to have a natural tendency to look for order and symmetry even in chaos. They find animals pictured in passing clouds, faces in sunbeams striking window panes, and human figures in natural rock formations. That being the case, it is only natural that they seek out codes buried in ancient texts. But what if they are really there?

Genesis 1:1–4. Biblia Hebraica from Kittel's edition (BHK) 1909. Four letters, 50 letters apart, starting from the first taw on the first verse, form the word תורה (Torah).(Public Domain)

Genesis 1:1–4. Biblia Hebraica from Kittel's edition (BHK) 1909. Four letters, 50 letters apart, starting from the first taw on the first verse, form the word תורה (Torah).(Public Domain)

The Bible Code Predictions

Michael Drosnin, author of The Bible Code and Bible Code II: The Countdown, claims to have discovered a secret code hidden within the letters and phrases of the world's most popular book. If true, the implications are staggering. It would mean that a supernatural consciousness, or, at the very least, a highly evolved entity from an ancient civilization either on earth or elsewhere in the galaxy, had the ability to foresee the future and sought to warn mankind about it in a way totally beyond current comprehension.

President Kennedy in the limousine in Dallas, Texas, on Main Street, minutes before the assassination. (Public Domain)

President Kennedy in the limousine in Dallas, Texas, on Main Street, minutes before the assassination. (Public Domain)

The code predicted the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Of course, it was not discovered in time to prevent the murder, but that does not always have to be the case, says Drosnin. He sent a letter to Yitzhak Rabin warning him of an attempted assassination. The letter reached Rabin in plenty of time. It apparently was ignored, and the assassination happened.

The Bible Code, if one is to believe Drosnin, predicted World War II and Watergate. The Holocaust, the atomic bomb blast at Hiroshima, the moon walk, the Gulf War, and the New York twin tower attacks of September 11, 2001 — all were predicted in a complicated code that is even now only in the first stages of being interpreted. It was there all along, but until the invention of computers it was impossible to decipher. Does this mean the code was meant to be discovered only after humankind had reached a sophisticated level of technology?

Eliyahu Rips

Drosnin does not appear to be a religious fanatic. He insists he does not believe in God. He is an investigative reporter who learned his trade working the night police beat for the Washington Post and covering corporate news for the Wall Street Journal. He did not even discover the code himself. That honor goes to Dr. Eliyahu Rips, a Jewish mathematician who lived in Jerusalem, and his colleagues Doron Witztum and Yoav Rosenberg. But with the publication of The Bible Code in 1997, both Rips and Drosnin were thrown into the international spotlight, where they soon attracted a devout following of sincere believers while at the same time being attacked by those who did not think such a thing possible.

Dr. Eliyahu Rips (Sahkisahki/ CC BY-SA 4.0)

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