Hieroglyphics Deciphering The Origin Of The One God

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Hieroglyphics Deciphering The Origin Of The One God

It is not possible to genetically identify any person living or past as a Jew. Gerald Massey, a Victorian self-taught Egyptologist, researcher and author, explained it thus: “To follow the Jews as the AIU of Egypt in their world-wide dispersion, we shall have to think in continents rather than in Petticoat Lanes and Ghettos. The worshippers of IAO in Phoenicia, of IAU in Assyria, of IAO in Syria, IAU and HU in Britain, IA or ІU in Greece, Jupiter in Italy,  ІHO-ІHO in Polynesia and IAU in America were each and all of them Jews in a sense, but the sense was religious, not originally ethnical; and religion does not determine race any more than language does in later ages of the world. There was a religion of the god ІU or IAO in Egypt 13,000 years ago. That god was ATUM-IU, born son of PTAH. He was the earliest father in heaven because he was the divine RA in his primordial sovereignty. He is the god in two persons who was first figured as the sun upon the double horizon; the father in the west, the son in the east. “ 

Vulture stone with ‘baskets’. Pillar 43 (Public Domain)

Vulture stone with ‘baskets’. Pillar 43 (Public Domain)

Australasia, Göbekli Tepe And Egypt

There is no doubt now that there had to have once been a far-reaching civilization that encompassed the whole globe.   Evidence of this has arisen through Maori legends which claim that they helped build the pyramids some 49 jubilees ago, that is almost 17,000 years in the past and more so from their legend about ‘The Three Baskets of Knowledge’ which have in recent years emerged from the sands of time, as carvings on the head block of the Vulture Stone at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey.  That alone dates the Maori connection to the Fertile Crescent to some 12,000 years ago.  In this legend the name of the God known once to the Maori people was ‘IO’ which rings close to the Jewish God name, ‘IAH’ and the Sumerian God ‘EA’.

Further evidence of a civilization that did once recognize and know far off cultures, can be seen in the kangaroo with a joey in its pouch, on the Ancient Egyptian Two Dog Palette’ stone now in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, and images of the Ancient Egyptian dwarf god, Bes which has the same threatening protruding tongue and facial lines of a Maori Warrior.

Two Dog Palette or Oxford Palette or Minor Hierakonpolis Palette (Public Domain)

Two Dog Palette or Oxford Palette or Minor Hierakonpolis Palette (Public Domain)

The ‘Two Dog Palette’ is dated to between 3300BC and 3100BC, therefore dating back at least 5,100 years.   The kangaroo has been brushed off as being a dog. That can hardly be, for the feet are not like any dog paws and what dog can play an Australian didgeridoo?   Zooming in on the image then one can just make out the ears of the joey.  Dogs have no pouch to carry their young.

In the 2017 Bruce Fenton pointed out that the strange symbols on one of the tall columns at Göbekli Tepe were identical to those once painted on to the chest of an Australian Aboriginal medicine man.   In his article in the New Dawn Magazine (July 2017) he also presented other possible connections between Australian Aboriginal belief and certain carvings on other columns at Göbekli Tepe: “We start with a comparison between the only female figure discovered at Göbekli Tepe, and a rock painting depicting a well-known creator being from Arnhem land, Yingarna. The likeness between these two images is immediately striking. Wherever Yingarna travelled, she seeded human populations, giving to each group a bag containing their culture and language.”

Ea or Enki (detail of the Adda seal, British Museum)(Public Domain)

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