Primordial Giants and the Lord of Immortality: The Hindu Creation of the World

Ancient Origins IRAQ Tour

Deriv; Shiva (Iqbal Mohammed and Rigveda manuscript in Sanskrit on paper.

Primordial Giants and the Lord of Immortality: The Hindu Creation of the World

In a striking difference to other major religions, Hinduism is carried by a mixture of intellectual and philosophical viewpoints rather than a fixed set of beliefs. Because of this there are various creation myths that sometimes appear to be at variance with each other.  

Ancient Origins

Hindu is the Persian name for the Indus River that flows through the north-western part of the Indian subcontinent. Several thousand years ago this river valley saw the rise of a great culture that covered an area the size of Western Europe. It was the largest of the four ancient civilizations—before that of Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. The connection between the Indus Valley people and the Vedic civilization of north and north-western India has over time been muddied by the theory known as the Aryan invasion. 

Pashupati seal, Indus Valley civilization, has drawn attention as a possible representation of a "yogi" or "proto-siva" figure. 2600–1900 BCE.

Pashupati seal, Indus Valley civilization, has drawn attention as a possible representation of a "yogi" or "proto-siva" figure. 2600–1900 BCE. (Public Domain)

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