Ancient Origins IRAQ Tour


The Orion Zone: Hopi Star Correlations in the American Southwest
Thursday April 27, 2017 6:00pm EST
by Gary A. David
The Orion Zone: Hopi Star Correlations in the American Southwest

As Above, so Below.

Some may be familiar with the correlation between the pyramids of Egypt's Giza Plateau and the stars of Orion. Beginning in 1100 AD, on the Arizona desert, the Hopi constructed a similar pattern of villages that mirrors all the major stars in the constellation. 

Join author Gary A. David for an intriguing Ancient Origins Premium webinar – The Orion Zone: Hopi Star Correlations in the American Southwest as he explores the sky-ground relationship in the American Southwest and its astounding global significance. 

The Hisatsinom, or the ancestral Hopi (formerly known as the Anasazi), used the Orion constellation as a template to determine the locations of their stone villages in northern Arizona.

The Hopi god Masau'u, ruler of both the earth plane and the underworld, spiritually mandated this “terrestrial Orion” to closely mirror its celestial counterpart. These villages correspond to each major star in the constellation, which includes the Belt and in some respects, is similar to the Giza-Orion Correlation.

The star pattern, by its specific orientation on the land, also encodes various sunrise and sunset points of both summer and winter solstices. A central flux of ley line energy flows through the spine of the terrestrial Orion along a series of ancient pueblo sites ranging from southwestern Colorado to the mouth of the Colorado River. This indicates a functional Earth-Chakra system.

Gary A. David is an author and independent researcher who has studied Southwestern archaeological ruins and rock art for nearly thirty years. He earned a master’s degree in English literature from the University of Colorado, and is a former college professor.

His books about the Hopi and other ancestral Pueblo cultures of Arizona and New Mexico include: The Orion Zone, Eye of the Phoenix, The Kivas of Heaven, Star Shrines and Earthworks of the Desert SouthwestHis forthcoming book is Journey of the Serpent People.  |

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School Got it Wrong? Thinking Critically about History
Thursday March 30, 2017 6:00pm EST
by Dr. Ken Jeremiah
School Got it Wrong? Thinking Critically about History

Is the history you learned in school wrong?

The historical accounts taught in schools might be inaccurate, and textbooks and teachers generally present biased historical accounts—often without anyone noticing.  This might not be intentional, although avoiding controversy and disregarding conflicting evidence is valued.  Pick up most history textbooks and you will not read about anything unknown.  You will see definite dates for just about every historical event, from the appearance of modern humans in Africa 200,000 years ago to the conquest of the New World.  But such texts disregard evidence to make such claims: evidence that human beings are millions of years old, that Europeans were in the Americas a hundred years before Columbus, that ancient Egyptians were in contact with Native Americans, and much more!

What is the truth?

Join author Ken Jeremiah as he returns in a fascinating Ancient Origins Premium webinar – School Got it Wrong? Thinking Critically about History

Dr Ken Keremiah is a translator and author who has written about ancient history, religions, mummification, and spirituality. His numerous books include Remnants of a Distant Past.

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From Saxon Sirens to Sacred Orchards - Modern Traditions, Pagan Origins
Thursday February 16, 2017 4:00pm EST
by Charles Christian
From Saxon Sirens to Sacred Orchards - Modern Traditions, Pagan Origins

Every January, in parts of rural England, people still gather to celebrate Wassailing, a tradition with distinctly Pagan origins intended to bless the coming year’s apple crops and protect orchards from evil spirits. It’s an intriguing part of the ongoing connection between the present day and folklore but in this eye-opening presentation, English Dark Ages and Medieval History expert Charles Christian returns to explain how roots of Wassailing stretch back even further. Back to the time when the Roman Empire’s hold on their province of Britannia was collapsing and how, in the years before King Arthur, a Saxon princess seduced a British king and opened the way to an invasion that changed the country forever!

Charles Christian is a professional writer, editor, award-winning journalist and former Reuters correspondent. His recent non-fiction books include A travel guide to Yorkshire’s Weird Wolds: The Mysterious Wold Newton Triangle.

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The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant - Following Ancient Clues
Wednesday January 4, 2017 5:00pm EST
by Graham Phillips
The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant - Following Ancient Clues

According to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was a miraculous golden chest that contained two sacred stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments.  If it existed as it is portrayed in the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant has to be one of the most extraordinary artifacts in history. It was said to raise storms, radiate divine fire, level city walls, smash chariots and destroy entire armies. Moreover, it could summon angels and even manifest the voice and presence of God. The Ark of the Covenant was kept in Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem until it disappeared from history following the Babylonian invasion of the city in 597 BC. Biblical scholars, archaeologists and adventurers alike have spent years searching for the last resting place of the Ark, but until now its secret hiding place has remained one of history’s most enduring mysteries.

In his much-anticipated premier Ancient Origins Premium webinar, guest author Graham Phillips presents evidence that this remarkable relic really existed and was discovered by the crusader knights, the Templars, during the Middle Ages and brought back to Europe. From the war-torn Middle East to the quiet British countryside, Graham follows an ancient trail of clues in search of the mysterious lost Ark.

Graham Phillips is a British non-fiction author who has investigated historical mysteries for over three decades, and has appeared in many documentaries broadcast worldwide. He is author of many books, including The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant.

For more on his work, Graham has a website,, and Facebook page 

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Ancient History and the Modern Era: The Mysterious Past and Changing Mindsets
Thursday December 8, 2016 7:00pm EST
by Dr Carl Johan Calleman
Ancient History and the Modern Era: The Mysterious Past and Changing Mindsets

For the past hundred years or so historical research has made a clear distinction between what is referred to as Ancient History and Modern History. While there may be some dispute about exactly when Modern History began, we all have a feeling of the two eras as describing different worlds and operating to different principles and motivations.  We recognize the modern era as something we can relate to and fully understand ourselves as we would have similar motivations. However, we look upon the era of the ancients as clearly distinct from our own time—and sometimes as more mysterious—and this is perhaps why we are so attracted to it.

Special guest author Dr Carl Johan Calleman returns to Ancient Origins PREMIUM for a much anticipated webinar where we look upon the source of the differences between ancient and modern history in the nine waves of creation that have shaped the human mind in different eras, and how humanity went from one mind set to another.

Dr Calleman examines these themes and more in his new book The Nine Waves of Creation - Quantum Physics, Holographic Evolution and the Destiny of Humanity

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The Ancient Hopi Legend of Palatkwapi: City of the Star People
Wednesday November 30, 2016 7:00pm EST
by Mark Amaru Pinkham

Mark Amaru Pinkham is an author and researcher who has published six books on the ancient mysteries of Earth and the evolution of humanity. In his most recent bookSedona: City of the Star People, he reveals that the Hopi legend of Palatkwapi, an ancient temple city built by the Star People or Kachinas, is a reference to the city of ruined red rock temples that Sedona, Arizona was built upon.

Mark is also the Grand Prior of The International Order of Gnostic Templars, which is a revival of the gnostic and alchemical rites and beliefs of the original Knights Templar. Mark is also Director of The Djedhi School of Ancient Wisdom, and through Sacred Sites Journeys he leads tours in Sedona, Peru, Egypt and to many other sacred sites around the globe.

This exciting premier Ancient Origins Premium webinar with guest author Mark Amaru Pinkham covers his 30 years of research into the ancient past of Sedona and the Red City of the Kachinas of Hopi legend that is said to have been built and occupied by the Star People.

More bio and book at his Ancient Origins guest author profile.

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Deception, Trickery & Conspiracy: The End of the Italian Christopher Columbus
Thursday October 20, 2016 7:00pm EST
by Manuel Rosa
Deception, Trickery & Conspiracy: The End of the Italian Christopher Columbus

According to many history books, explorer Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ America in 1492. But what if the accepted story is not only incorrect, but is a narrative which has hidden ulterior motives and international conspiracy for over 500 years? Who really WAS Columbus? Investigative historian and AO guest author Manuel Rosa joins Ancient Origins Premium for an exclusive webinar to reveal the hidden history of Christopher Columbus. The results will shock you – and could change history books forever.

Manuel Rosa , author of Columbus: The Untold Story (5-Star review winner) is a Portuguese-American, investigative historian and author who emigrated from the Azores to the Boston area in 1973. He currently lives in North Carolina and works at Duke University’s Cancer Institute. Regarded as the world's foremost authority on Columbus, Rosa's own "voyage of discovery" began during the Columbus quincentennial, when his doubts were stirred by the marriage of a lowly foreigner to a highborn Portuguese lady. Such a union might pass muster as a fairy tale today, but it would have been unthinkable back then! The closer Rosa looked, the more certain he became that he was on to something, and before long he was spending all of his free time on research, now resulting in a history-changing book. Join us for this fascinating premier webinar.

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The Mayan Calendar and the Yugas: Systems Predicting the Rise and Fall of Civilization
Sunday October 2, 2016 7:30pm EST
by Dr Carl Johan Calleman
The Mayan Calendar and the Yugas: Systems Predicting the Rise and Fall of Civilization

From ancient times we know of two calendrical systems that have been claimed to be able to predict the rise and fall of civilizations. One is from the West, the Mayan calendar system and another from the East, the Yuga system of India. The two systems are not identical but have significant points in common to the point where it must be asked whether they originally aimed to describe the same reality. This exclusive Ancient Origins Premium webinar with guest author Dr Carl Johan Calleman presents a background to the two systems, and establishes to what extent they actually describe the beginning and evolution of human civilization. Especially at our current time of a potential great shift in human civilization, knowledge about the factors governing the rise and fall of civilization may provide knowledge of critical importance for ourselves. Welcome to a discussion about the two most significant ancient systems aiming to describe this.

Dr Carl Johan Calleman is the author of five books based on the Mayan calendar that have been translated to fifteen languages and his known as the main proponent of the idea that the Mayan calendar reflects the evolution of consciousness. He holds a Ph.D. in Physical Biology from the University of Stockholm. He has also lectured about the Mayan Calendar in more than twenty countries. 

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Ancient Floods and Pole Shift: Legends of the Underworld and Atlantis
Thursday August 18, 2016 9:00pm EST
by Brady Yoon
Ancient Floods and Pole Shift: Legends of the Underworld and Atlantis

Ancient Origins guest writer Brad Yoon has written on the theory that the Caribbean Sea was once a dry basin, and might be connected to the ancient legends of flood myths. In this much-requested follow-up Ancient Origins Webinar, Brad delves deeper into how the prehistoric flooding of the Basin may have caused a planetary pole shift, and affected the last ice age —spurring myths, legends, and chronicles of ancient places beneath the sea.

Perhaps we may find that the lost continent of Atlantis has been a part of our collective memory long before Plato, and is a story which has been passed down, generation by generation, over the millennia, in every culture.

Brad Yoon is a software engineer and writer who researches lost civilizations and other ancient mysteries in his spare time. He has presented his work at CPAK 2014 and with Ancient Origins Premium.

See a few of his articles; “The Legend of Atlantis: Between Ancient Ruins and a Philosopher’s Tale” and “The Exceptional Underwater City of Cuba: A New Theory on its Origins – Part I”.

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Mysterious Depths: Ancient Underworlds, and their Connection to the Prehistoric Caribbean Sea and Atlantis
Thursday July 28, 2016 10:00pm EST
by Brady Yoon
Mysterious Depths: Ancient Underworlds, and their Connection to the Prehistoric Caribbean Sea and Atlantis

Ancient Origins guest writer Brad Yoon has written on the theory that the Caribbean Sea was once a dry basin, and might be connected to the ancient legends of floods and myths. In this webinar, he connects the dots on the ancient places beyond—underworlds of the living and the dead, such as the Greek Hades, Tartarus, Oceanus, the Mayan Xibalba, and Egyptian Duat.

He raises the possibility of a large expanse of land situated below sea level—not a land below our feet, but a land so conspicuously lower than other lands that it came to be singled out and designated as an “underworld”. Did a dry Caribbean Basin exist in prehistory? Was a catastrophe to change the land of the living into an abode of the dead? Could it be the underworlds that these various cultures across the world speak of are not fictional but are a single real place that existed in the remote past?

Brad Yoon studies the myths of the underworld, compares and contrasts them, to get a clear picture of what this ancient land was like, where it was, how it was created, how it was destroyed, and why we can't see it anymore.

Perhaps we may find that the lost continent of Atlantis has been a part of our collective memory long before Plato, and is a story which has been passed down, generation by generation, over the millennia, in every culture. 

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