Ancient Origins IRAQ Tour


The Stones Cry Out: Echoes in Stone and Story
Saturday October 12, 2019 2:00pm EST
by Jim Willis
Ancient Origins Premium Webinar

The discovery of ancient super-phenomenal architecture dotted all over the globe is opening up a plethora of thought-provoking, existential questions.

Göbekli Tepe in Turkey was built before the onset of the agricultural revolution. It is undoubtedly the work of a very sophisticated, orderly, organized civilization.

Australia could only have been settled by people who had extensive maritime knowledge. How did boating technology appear seemingly out of thin air?

The Amazon rain forest was supposedly a virgin wilderness when modern Europeans first arrived to explore it. But satellite images of the dense tropical growth reveal the architectural legacy of a thriving civilization that once built pyramids, shaping and transporting blocks so large one would be hard-pressed to construct such edifices even with today's technology.

In the American Southwest, a mysterious people called Anasazi felt the need to clear perfectly straight and intricately banked roads through the pristine desert. Having no beasts of burden, why did they go to the trouble of constructing arrow-straight roads when simple paths would have worked just as well?

During the past 12,000 years, human civilization has taken giant leaps. Who were these predecessors who left us tantalizing clues to their identity? Guided by a world map of our mysterious ancestors’ genial greatness, renowned author and ordained minister Jim Willis tackles the complicated questions that taunt those of us who want to move beyond traditional historical and religious teachings about our origins.

- Who are we?

- What gives our life meaning?

- Where did we come from?

- When did we begin our journey?

- Why does life seem so difficult at times?

If we can discover that we are part of a bigger picture, it might give meaning to our lives by pointing to a purposeful future.

Having earned his master's degree in theology from Andover Newton Theological SchoolJim Willis, Jim Willis is the author of ten books on religion and spirituality. He has been an ordained minister for over 40 years while working part-time as a carpenter, hosting own drive-time radio show, as well as being an arts council director and adjunct college professor in the fields of World Religions and Instrumental Music. His current residence in the woods of South Carolina inspired his books Supernatural Gods: Spiritual Mysteries, Psychic Experiences, and Scientific Truths, and Ancient Gods: Lost Histories, Hidden Truths and the Conspiracy of Silence. His latest book is Lost Civilizations: The Secret Histories and Suppressed Technologies of the Ancients.

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Cueva de Los Tayos - New Discoveries in the Enigmatic Jungle Caves
Saturday September 28, 2019 2:00pm EST
by Alicia McDermott
Cueva de Los Tayos - New Discoveries in the Enigmatic Jungle Caves

Legends tell of a lost library, gold, and giants. Ancient Origins set out on expedition to discover the truth.

The Cueva de los Tayos in Ecuador is a vast underground network that’s considered one of the most enigmatic places in the Americas. Legends tell of a lost metal library, gold, giants, and manmade underground constructions. It received worldwide attention in 1973 when Erich von Däniken released his bestselling and controversial book The Gold of the Gods, which included stories of gold, unusual sculptures, and a library of metal tablets in a series of artificial tunnels within the caves. Tayos was also given as the location of Father Crespi’s collection of mysterious golden artifacts, said to have been given to him by the local Shuar people.

The truth behind the Tayos caves has remained out-of-reach, so Ancient Origins set out on the first expedition to the caves in 2015. The first team built a strong relationship of trust with the Shuar and Ancient Origins was invited back for further explorations. In 2016 I joined the expedition and alongside one of Ancient Origins’ founders and two intrepid Ancient Origins Premium members, we found new entrances into the enigmatic cave system and maybe even the remnants of a lost jungle city…

2019 marks my return to the magic and mysteries of the cave system. This time it’s a larger Ancient Origins expedition with several of members of the Premium site accompanying us on the journey. Get a sneak peek at our latest findings in this webinar!

Alicia - Ancient Origins Alicia McDermott is a researcher, editor, and writer at Ancient Origins. She has degrees in Anthropology, International Development Studies, and Psychology, and sees herself as a lifelong learner with an open mind.

Alicia has worked in various fields such as education, tourism, and anthropology. Traveling throughout Bolivia and Peru, as well as all-over Ecuador, Alicia has increased her knowledge of Pre-Colombian sites as well as learning more about modern Andean cultures and fine-tuning her Spanish skills. Alicia has had a passion for writing since she was a child and apart from creative writing, she has written various essays about Latin American social issues and archaeological sites.

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Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge
Saturday August 24, 2019 2:00pm EST
by Graham Phillips
Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge - Ancient Origins Webinars

Older than the pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge is one of the most enigmatic monuments on Earth. Despite years of archaeology, experts are still baffled as to its original purpose, its creators – the Megalithic culture - having developed no form of writing to reveal its secrets. Amazingly, although Stonehenge is the most elaborate prehistoric monument in the British Isles, it is just one of the thousands of stone circles erected here for centuries from around 3100 BC. The extent and complexity of this vast array of huge stone circles, massive earthworks, and giant monoliths, created by a people with nothing more than primitive tools, is truly astounding.

Graham argues that, with stones aligned to the sun, stars, and positions of the moon, stone circles were not just astronomical calendars, as some scholars have proposed, but were part of an elaborate system to determine precise timings necessary for the cultivation of medicinal plants. The Druids, he reveals, had medical knowledge well beyond their time, and may even have found a cure for cancer. Graham also discovers that the Megalithic people developed phenomenal memory techniques, resulting in a priesthood that became both the guardians of the stone circles and the living libraries of inherited knowledge. In his book, Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge, Graham uncovers the long-forgotten secrets of the Megalithic people and the true extent of their astonishing achievements: a vast network of monuments, as important to the ancient peoples of the British Isles as the internet is for us today. The true purpose of Stonehenge is ultimately revealed. It was not just a religious monument, but served a vital, practical function— as a prehistoric healthcare facility.


Graham PhilipsGraham Phillips is a British non-fiction author who has investigated historical mysteries for over three decades, and has appeared in many documentaries broadcast worldwide. His fifteen published books include investigations into the truth behind the legendary figures of King Arthur and Robin Hood, biblical mysteries such as the location of Mount Sinai, and the cause of the Ten Plagues of Egypt. He has searched for the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, the tomb of the Virgin Mary, and has investigated the suspicious death of Alexander the Great.

Graham Phillips has been described as a “historical detective” and a “real-life Indiana Jones.”

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Digging for Asherah
Saturday July 20, 2019 2:00pm EST
by Mary Naples
Digging for Asherah - Ancient Origins Webinars

Her name was Asherah and for thousands of years, she was venerated by women and men alike as the supreme mother goddess. In 1928, a second millennium “Canaanite” port city called Ugarit, in today’s northern Syria, was the site of a major excavation that unearthed a veritable treasure-trove of cuneiform alphabetic texts which featured the mythology of the region. For hundreds of years before Abraham (ca 2200-1700 BC) migrated to what would become known as Israel, Asherah was revered as Athirat, Earth Mother and Fertility Goddess. Upon entering the region, the ancient Israelites soon adopted her and gave her the Hebrew equivalent name of Asherah. The Ugarit excavation put Asherah—the goddess—on the map again after having lost her place for thousands of years.

But who was Asherah to the ancient Israelites? And why is she often paired with Yahweh, their supreme god? Historians and archeologists have pieced together Asherah’s narrative finding large chunks of it interwoven in the artifacts from the region and in the sacred scriptures of the Hebrew Bible itself. Because evidence suggests that Asherah was observed in ancient Israel and Judah as early as the 12th century BC to a few decades before the fall of the southern kingdom of Judah (ca 587-588 BC), the focus will be on this pre-exilic period.

Researching the presence of a Hebrew goddess begs the question: how monotheistic were the pre-exilic Israelites and Judeans? The very notion of polytheism is inherent in the quest for Asherah. Moreover, the many artifacts representing Asherah and her cult from the region belies the biblical prohibition against the creation of idols. While discussing the intricacies of the Bible is beyond our scope, a portion of the research associated with the Bible pertaining to Asherah, the goddess, and asherah, her cult symbol will be assessed. Moreover, the significant roles of women within the cult will be reviewed as will comparisons made between the folk religion of the illiterate class versus the book religion of the Mary Napleselites.

With an emphasis in Women’s Studies, Mary Naples earned an M.A. in Humanities from Dominican University of California in 2013. Her master’s thesis: “Demeter’s Daughter’s: How the Myth of the Captured Bride Helped Spur Feminine Consciousness in Ancient Greece,” examines how female participants found empowerment in a feminine fertility festival. Her deep love of the classical world is reflected in her writing which explores women’s narratives ranging from the ancient Greek and Roman worlds into the Byzantine era and even into ancient Israel and Judea. After a career in high-tech, Mary lives in Sausalito, California with her husband and cat, Maddie. There she has a collection of books on the classical world and a garden with a Cretan-styled labyrinth.

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The Lion-man, the Sphinx and the Leopard Shrine
Saturday June 1, 2019 2:00pm EST
by Dr Martin Sweatman
Ancient Origins Webinars

What connects the 40,000-year old Lion-man of Hohlenstein Stadel Cave, Germany, the great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt, and the leopard shrines of ancient Catalhoyuk, circa 7,000 BC, in southern Turkey?

Are these great artworks, each in the form of a feline, connected by an ancient zodiac?

It is now known beyond any reasonable doubt that our ancestors, going back over 40,000 years, were excellent astronomers. They invented the constellations that we still use today, gave them names and animal symbols, and invented an astronomical mythology to explain their existence. They watched the skies for millennia, noticing how the stars’ positions gradually changed with the slow process of precession. Although we now know the great feline symbol as the constellation Leo, in Palaeolithic cave art and at Catalhoyuk it instead appears to represent Cancer.

Thus, the 40,000-year old Lion-man represents Cancer on the Winter solstice around 38,000 BC, and the Catalhoyuk leopard shrines probably represent Cancer on the Spring equinox around 7,000 BC.

But what of the Great Sphinx? What does it represent, and exactly how old is it?

In this webinar Martin Sweatman explains how the latest scientific evidence points towards an early Neolithic origin of the Sphinx, meaning that while people at Catalhoyuk prayed in front of their leopard shrines, a lost ancient Egyptian civilization performed their ceremonies under the nose of the Great Sphinx, which was then either a leopard or a lion.

Dr. Martin Sweatman is a scientist at the University of Edinburgh and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. His research, which involves statistical analysis of the motion of atoms and molecules to understand the properties of matter, has helped him to solve one of the greatest puzzles on Earth - the meaning of ancient artworks stretching back over 40,000 years. He is the author of Prehistory Decoded.

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Exodus: Escaping Egypt
Saturday May 18, 2019 4:00pm EST
by Ted Loukes
Exodus: Escaping Egypt - Ancient Origins Webinar

The actuality of the Exodus has generated much discussion and argument throughout the centuries. The fact that the Exodus is not referred to in Egyptian documents or inscriptions does not in any way mean that it didn’t take place. The Egyptians were masters of spin and never held back in rewriting their own history to maintain the universal balance that was Ma’at. There are no lengthy accounts of battles lost, no stories of plague or famines; they simply ignored them; in fact, to the Egyptian mind, to write something down was to give it life and power. With the death and destruction brought about by the earthquakes that hit the Eastern Delta, Pharaoh was only too keen to let Moses and his followers go. According to the Bible, the proto-Israelites were given everything that they might need for their journey, including gold and silver; such was the urgency of the Egyptians to get rid of them. But how did they leave? Which way did they go to escape Egypt’s boundaries? If the reality of the Exodus has raised questions, then even more so has the route taken by Moses and his followers. Many theories as to the actual route out of Egypt have been put forward without much clarity.  Let us investigate the possible course taken by Moses and the proto-Israelites from after the tenth plague to the point that they exited Egypt and began their journey across the Sinai. Let us look at these first stations of the Exodus from Egypt with a 21st-century eye and, through a mixture of modern and ancient thinking, derive a hypothesis as to why and where these events took place.

We’re excited to be joined once again by special Ancient Origins contributor, author, and expert Ted Loukes for an exploration into the mysteries of the past.

Ted Loukes - Ancient Origins Premium

Ted Loukes is an independent researcher in the field of ancient civilizations. He has been on a voyage of discovery for over forty years, questioning man's origins by digging through ancient texts, inscriptions, myths and legends. His particular fascination with Ancient Egypt began in 1972 with a visit to the Treasures of Tutankhamun exhibition, held at the British Museum. His book Moses and Akhenaten: Brothers in Alms  grew from a single page blog post to a two-and-a-half-year project that incorporated several field trips to Egypt herself. This passion led to the forming of GnT Tours, specializing in small private tours in Luxor focusing on the archaeology and Egyptology of the Tombs & Temples of Ancient Egypt. 

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Visit and find out more in his book Moses and Akhenaten: Brothers in Alms.

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The Trojan War - Fiction or Fact?
Saturday April 27, 2019 2:00pm EST
by Petros Koutoupis
The Trojan War - Fiction or Fact? - Ancient Origins Webinars

Fiction: Homer’s Iliad depicts the narrative of an epic saga of a war fought between the Achaeans (Greece) and the Trojans (who were not Turks, but lived in what is now Turkey) during the late Bronze Age circa 1250 BC.  The catalyst for the war is the abduction – or some say voluntary elope – of Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world and wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta, by Paris, prince of Troy and son of King Priam, on a trade envoy to Sparta.  Menelaus urges his brother King Agamemnon of Mycenae and high king of the Achaeans, to enforce a pact all the suitors of Helen swore to protect her marriage to Menelaus.  Agamemnon issues the ‘Call to Arms” and, after sacrificing his own daughter Iphigenia for fair winds, a thousand Greek ships set sail for the shores of Ilium/Troy. There ensues a war that lasts for ten years, as the walls of Ilium were built by Poseidon and Apollo and are impenetrable. Troy is breached and burnt to the ground, the king and princes killed, the women raped, and the queen enslaved and so ends the war… but not the legend.

Facts: In 1870 self-styled archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann began digging at a site in Turkey called Hisarlik. Schliemann had his lifelong dream fulfilled when he uncovered the citadel of Troy and a golden treasure he believed belonged to King Priam. He dug a trench which revealed nine layers of human occupation spanning from 2700 BC to 500 AD Roman time, but in his eager enthusiasm he amateurishly destroyed many artifacts and evidence.  Archaeologists generally attribute level VI to Homer’s Troy. Some of the layers show destruction by fire – such as the first circa 2700 BC, and some by earth quake, some even of a long siege, but can any of these concretely prove that the Trojan War, actually happened?

Petros KoutoupisPetros Koutoupis, independent historical researcher, conducts an investigation whether we can safely say if the Trojan war was indeed fact—or fiction.

Petros Koutoupis is an author and an independent historical researcher, focusing predominantly on the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age periods of the Eastern Mediterranean and general Near East. Fluent in modern Greek, Petros has additional knowledge in languages that include ancient & Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, and a good fundamental understanding of Aramaic, Ugaritic, Phoenician, and Akkadian. He has always relied on the original sources for interpreting some of our most misunderstood historical and mythological texts.  His most recent book is: Biblical Origins: An Adopted Legacy.

You can also follow him on Twitter:


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Captain Morgan's Inca Gold
Friday March 22, 2019 4:00pm EST
by Ashley Cowie
Ancient Origins Webinars

In 1671, the legendary Captain Morgan sacked Panama City and secured “176 mules of gold, silver and pearls” and this treasure has never been recovered. In December 2016, historian Ashley Cowie ventured to a remote Caribbean island in search of Morgan's gold and in this webinar he will discuss his findings and the next stages of his quest.

Ashley CowieAshley Cowie is a Scottish historian, author, and filmmaker exploring and investigating  myths and legends, ancient cultures and kingdoms, science and psychology, artifacts, iconography, and architecture.

Visit and find out more in his in-depth books, A Twist in Time, Secret Viking Sea Chart, and others.

Watch Ashley's new Live Youtube series "Mythology" here:

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Ancient Gods: Conspiracy of Silence
Saturday February 23, 2019 4:00pm EST
by Jim Willis
Ancient Gods: Conspiracy of Silence - Ancient Origins Webinars

Where do we come from? What are the origins of modern civilization? Can we credit ancient gods?

Do the world's pyramids, the Nazca Lines, Easter Island statues, and other enigmatic structures, archaeological wonders, and geographic anomalies contain evidence of ancient deities?

Sifting through the historical and archaeological evidence, Jim Willis probes the myths, stories, history, and facts of ancient civilizations, lost technologies, past catastrophes, archetypal astronauts, and bygone religions to tease out the truth of our distant past and modern existence. In his thought-provoking second Ancient Origins webinar, Jim will take an in-depth look at the facts, fictions, and controversies of our ancestors, our origins, who we are as a people—and who might have come before us. He will tackle nagging stories of ancient gods, ancestors, alien visitors, theories and potential explanations.

Existential questions with insightful and hopeful answers are in the mix as we’re joined by Ancient Origins contributor and author Jim Willis for an exploration into an ancient conspiracy of silence.

Having earned his master's degree in theology from Andover Newton Theological School, Jim Willis is the author of eleven books on religion and spirituality. He has been an ordained minister for over forty years while working part-time as a carpenter, hosting own drive-time radio show, as well as being an arts council director and adjunct college professor in the fields of World Religions and Instrumental Music. His current residence in the woods of South Carolina inspired his books Supernatural Gods: Spiritual Mysteries, Psychic Experiences, and Scientific Truths, and Jim digs deep into this essential topic with Ancient Gods: Lost Histories, Hidden Truths and the Conspiracy of Silence.

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The 10 Plagues of Egypt - Fact or Fiction?
Saturday January 26, 2019 4:00pm EST
by Ted Loukes
The 10 Plagues of Egypt - Fact or Fiction?

One of the most well-known stories from The Bible’s Old Testament is that of the Plagues of Egypt. According to the book of Exodus, Moses tells Pharaoh that terrible afflictions will strike his kingdom if he doesn’t let the Israelite slaves leave. Pharaoh is unmoved, and so begins a series of devastating events that culminates in the death of all the first-born of the Egypt. First the Nile turns to blood, then Egypt is infested with frogs, then gnats, followed by flies, then the animals begin to die. The people are afflicted by boils and fall sick. The land is ravaged by hail, followed by the relentless destruction caused by locusts. The sun goes dark in the sky, and finally the Angel of Death takes the lives of all the eldest children. It was the last of these ten plagues that finally convinced Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. It’s a hugely complicated story that sets up the Exodus, but did it happen, and if so, how?

Most myths and legends are based, somewhere far back in time, on real historical events. Events that would have been talked about for years, handed down by word of mouth for generation after generation until they became so twisted and convoluted in their telling that they no longer reflected the real event. They became seemingly impossible incidents, often driven by supernatural forces. These twists and turns to the original stories have so obscured their own origins, that little scientific effort is made to search beyond the veil of myth and legend to find what might actually lie at their origin.

There have been many attempts to explain the plagues, most of which have proved unsatisfactory, especially regarding the final one, that of the slaying of the eldest child. Let us look at these 10 Plagues of Egypt with a 21st century eye and, through a mixture of modern and ancient thinking, derive a hypothesis as to how and why they could have happened.

We’re pleased to be joined once again by special Ancient Origins contributor and author Ted Loukes for an exploration into the mysteries of the past.

Ted LoukesTed Loukes is an independent researcher in the field of ancient civilisations. Born in the sixties, he has been on a voyage of discovery for over forty years, questioning man's origins by digging through ancient texts, inscriptions, myths and legends. He moved to South Africa in 1990 and set up home in Johannesburg, appropriately just a few kilometres from the Cradle of Humankind. His particular fascination with Ancient Egypt began in 1972 with a visit to the Treasures of Tutankhamun exhibition, held at the British Museum. His book Moses and Akhenaten: Brothers in Alms grew from a single page blog post to a two and a half year project that incorporated two field trips to Egypt itself. He is currently learning to read hieroglyphic. Facebook  |  Twitter

Visit and find out more in his book Moses and Akhenaten: Brothers in Alms.

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